Hello, I'm so glad you are here!

My name is Jacquelyn. People who know me call me Jackie. My husband calls me wifey and our dogs, if they could speak, probably have several names for me, their favorite being snack lady. We are huge foodies and feel that the most authentic and genuine conversations happen while sharing a tasty meal.

Being creative is my jam. I feel the best way to share my ideas and vision with others is through my photography. Like the true Virgo I am, it is no surprise that architectural photography and design is one of my favorite things to photograph. However, don’t count me out for life's intimate moments. I equally enjoy photographing you and your family too, P.S. don’t forget the dog!

Often times you will notice that I am always exploring new and unique ways to strengthen my skills within photography. This can come in various forms from learning how to sew, how to craft, and how to publish the most beautiful adventure guide for your Dog with a dear friend and colleague of mine. You can learn more about our upcoming book project here.

I strongly believe in chasing your dreams, fiercely. If there is one thing I love as much as my camera, its a wide body Airbus taking me across the ocean. Some of my best work has come from my travels. I feel that photography is always a steady way to have a tangible memory of the most wonderful times and places in our lives.

I look forward to connecting with you and starting our adventure!

Photograph taken by Janet Deltuva of Ares & Emzy Photography